Video mapping of the neurons on the stage floor. Left image: content projected on the floor of the Embassy Theatre. Right image: raw content from After Effects.
Facebook Live stream mask created with an alpha channel in After Effects to be used in conjuntion with a live video feed and combined in QLab.
Still from «13» at the Embassy Theatre with a live feed from a mobile phone insterted in the projection on the top right corner of a You Tube screen created in Adobe Illustrator. For this I used QLab and Airbeam.
You Tube mask created to be combined with a live feed. The content was created between Adobe Illustrator and After Effects and then combined in QLab.
Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
Embassy Theatre
3rd Term 2nd Year – Spring 2016
Performance Design, Video Design
This theatre piece portrays a dystopia located in a modern London where 13 people share a common nightmare, media news, technology, politics and aid in wars which helps to articulate a story about the struggle present in our modern societies to differentiate right from wrong and escape from manipulation.
In the script, reference to mobile phones, video cameras and tablets was constant. We then decided to constantly use live video streams. In particular, we used a TV news camera, a CCTV camera and a wireless live feed from a mobile phone.
As part of the design, I also created a video mapping over the stage floor. I mapped a group of neurons painted on it which signified the connection established between the characters through the common nightmare.
A dramaturgical analysis which I produced for this show may be downloaded by clicking on the following link: